Finatrack Global Ltd



Why Partner With Us?

Modern & Trusted GPS Tracking Company

We are licensed providers of GPS tracking solutions by the Communications Authority of Kenya.

We offer certified vehicle tracking services to individual and corporate vehicle owners. Our certificates are accepted as evidence of vehicle anti-theft by all insurance companies. We also provide vehicle tracking as a prerequisite for vehice loan approval in select financial institutions such as Cooperative Bank of Kenya, Family Bank of Kenya, Kingdom Bank and Sonix Credit.

partnership proposal

We are looking for individuals and businesses who can be our vehicle tracker indipendent agents, local franchise or regional distributor for our vehicle tracking solutions. We provide reliable licensed vehicle tracking software and hardware. We offer training and competitive rates.. We provide warranty and support to help you grow your vehicle tracker business. Our marketing team also helps you target and market to clients such as Finatrack Global vehicle tracking approved banks and customers in your area.

goal black

We plan on offering access to reliable vehicle tracking solutions in all counties in Kenya. To do this we need a strong network of partners who can be able to deploy the vehicle tracking solutions within their locality. Our solutions help enhance peace of mind of the vehicle owner. Our services also help the vehicle owner save on insurance excess charges and  get access to asset finance loans where applicable.Local Partnership will result in creation of steady income streams for our partners and additional job creation within their are of operation

A partner can sign up for free using the form here below. We will be aable to vet the application and share aall relevant information related to our partnership proposal. Upon completion of online partner onboarding the partner will be able to start selling the vehicle tracking services. Vehicle tracking devices will be delivered to the partner or our local technicians to facilitate prompt vehicle tracker installation. Payments for services can be done prior or after installation subject to approval and terms of engaaagement. We  can also provide branding and marketing material where applicable.


Partner Application