A road under construction. FILE PHOTO | NMG
Three Chinese firms have won a Sh15.87 billion tender to construct the Kisumu-Chemelil-Muhoroni road in a move set to open up the region.
The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) deputy director for corporate communication Samwel Kumba, said the State corporation awarded the contract to China Railways Tenth Group, Sinohydro Company Limited and H-Young Company Limited.
The award of the contract paved the way for works on the 63-kilometre road to begin after drivers abandoned the motorway, opting for the smoother Kericho-Kisumu road going through Awasi and Ahero.
Works on the road started at the intersection with Kisumu – Kakamega (A1) road in Kisumu at Mamboleo and will progress through Miwani, Chemelil, and Muhoroni eventually terminating at Kapsitet junction, where it joins the Kericho-Kisumu road.
“Works on the key road started in June after the firms bagged the contracts. The contract sum is Sh5.19 billion for lot I, Sh4.96 billion for lot II and Sh5.72billion for lot III,” Mr Kumba told Business Daily on Thursday.
Lot 1 runs from Mamboleo junction to Miwani and will be done by China Railways Tenth Group.
The second lot from Miwani to Chemelil will be constructed by Sinohydro Company Limited while the third lot that H-Young Company handles will run from Chemelil-Kipsitet.
The project that finally started after several delays will take three years to complete.
Built in the early 60s, the road that traverses Kisumu, Nandi and Kericho counties has become impassable.
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