Nairobi — The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) on Tuesday kicked off the Easter holiday road safety campaign, even as statistics show that the number of pedestrian fatalities rose to 457 since the beginning of this year, from 374 over the same period.
The campaign dubbed fatal six will focus on speeding, lane indiscipline, drunk driving, distracted driving , failure to wear a helmet and failure to use available pedestrian walk, which NTSA has listed as the leading fatal six behaviors likely to cause fatal crashes and serious injuries.
NTSA will be conducting the campaign in conjunction with all Ministries, departments and agencies so as to reach a wide audience.
“Road users who engage in one of these behaviours are far more likely to be involved in a fatal crash than those who don’t,” NTSA stated.
The road safety authority urged motorists to comply with traffic rules as well as riders and pedestrians, especially during this season of Easter festivities when roads are normally busy.
“During this period, the Authority urges motorists to plan their journeys so as to avoid last minute rush, share the road, be patient and be cognizant of other users,” NTSA stated.
According to the latest statistics by NTSA, as at April 11, 2022 a total of 127 drivers died as a result of road accidents, 225 passengers died, 18 fatalities were recorded from pedal cyclists while 381 motorcyclists fatalities were also recorded.
In total 1,345 people have died from road- related accidents since the beginning of this year, which is an increase from 1,168 deaths reported the same period last year.
Read the original article on Capital FM.
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