Despite the fact that electric cars were the stars of the Paris Motor Show, environmentalists are protesting against the industry.
Environmental activists have been in the limelight in recent weeks. Scenes of some of them violating famous works of art by throwing food at them have gone around the world… but they have also carried out protest actions against the automobile industry.
The Paris Motor Show has been the perfect loudspeaker for organizations such as Extinction Rebellion that do not seem satisfied with the rapid transition to the electric cars in which Europe is immersed (even with a date set for the disappearance of the combustion engine car). Nor with the immense investments that manufacturers are making to face this transformation.
In this case, the way to make their presence felt was through five demonstrators who stuck their hands with glue to the bodywork of three Ferraris that were on display at the Paris Motor Show. They also carried a banner calling for the elimination of the exhibition.
The French organization denounces that the automobile industry is responsible for generating 15 percent of polluting emissions and accuses them of not doing enough to reduce this figure so as not to jeopardize their profits.
But their accusations do not stop there, as they estimate that the sector encourages individual transport, when, according to Extinction Rebellion France, there are 13.3 million French citizens who are in a situation of “mobility precariousness”.
Before the Paris show, another association, Scientist Rebellion, also carried out a protest action at the Autostadt, the Volkswagen Museum, where they occupied the Porsche stand for several days.
The request of this organization was clear and direct towards the CEO of the Volkswagen Group, Oliver Blume. Scientist Rebellion asked to speak directly with the top executive of the largest German car manufacturer.
The goal: to personally express their proposal to establish a maximum speed limit of 100 km/h in Germany.
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